Korea DPR Team Logo
Korea DPR

Korea DPR

Coach: Yong-Nam Sin / Venue: Unknown
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Korea DPR Statistics

Team have not played any matches in this season

Korea DPR Matches Statistics

2 Draws

In the 2026 season, Korea DPR won 2 games (1 at home and 1 away). They lost 1 matches (0 at home and 1 away) and 2 matches ended in draws (1 at home and 1 away).

Korea DPR Goals Statistics

Korea DPR Goals Distribution

Tae Song Sin
Korea DPR
Ju-Hyok Kang
Korea DPR
Kwang Jun Yu
Korea DPR
Kuk-Chol Jang
Korea DPR
Ok-Chol Choe
Korea DPR
Kuk-Chol Kang II
Korea DPR
Kyong Sok Kim
Korea DPR
Jin-Nam Choe
Korea DPR
Kum-Song Jong
Korea DPR
Yu-Song Kim
Korea DPR
Il-Gwan Jong
Korea DPR
Kuk-Bom Kim
Korea DPR
Un-Chol Ri
Korea DPR
Tam Kye
Korea DPR
Pom Hyok Kim
Korea DPR
Chung Song Paek
Korea DPR
In-Ju Mun
Korea DPR
Hyon Kim
Korea DPR
Sung-Hye Kim
Korea DPR
Kwang-Song Han
Korea DPR
Ju-Song Choe
Korea DPR
Kuk-Jin Kim
Korea DPR
Il-Song Ri
Korea DPR
Jo-Guk Ri
Korea DPR

Korea DPR Season Statistics

Ball Possesion Icon
Ball Possesion47.50%
Attacks Icon
Offsides Icon
Shots ON target Icon
Shots ON target6
Shots OFF target Icon
Shots OFF target17
Corners Icon
Yellow cards Icon
Yellow cards3
Red cards Icon
Red cards0
Avg. Player Rating Icon
Avg. Player Rating0

About Korea DPR

Korea DPR plays in Korea DPR's WC Qualification Asia 2022. You can check Korea DPR live scores on ScoreAxis, along with other information about the team: Korea DPR top players, including top goal scorers or the full squad for the 2022 season. The team is managed by Yong-Nam Sin and their home ground is Unknown. Korea DPR match schedule featuring upcoming or past fixtures is also available and you should be able to watch video highlights for most of the fixtures in the list.

When is the next fixture for Korea DPR?

There is no fixtures in near future for this team

Korea DPR Season Review 2022

In the current season, Korea DPR played a total of ?? matches in the WC Qualification Asia 2022, winning 2 and losing 1, while 2 matches ended in draws. The team scored 4 goals and conceded 3.

In terms of attacking, Korea DPR players shot on goal 6 times, while 17 shots went off target. They also managed to get 11 corners and were caught in offside 3 times. The team received 3 yellow cards and 0 red cards this season from a total number of 33 committed fouls.
